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The World Leader Who Fell Off The Orient Express Train And Got Left Behind In The Middle Of The Night

In 1920, the President of France accidentally fell off a famous train in the middle of the night after he stepped outside to get some fresh air

Andrew Martin
3 min readNov 12, 2022


When it comes to transportation, few modes of travel are as iconic as the Orient Express, a long-distance train that ran the length of continental Europe and into western Asia for 126 years (Ceasing operation in 2009). It was so popular that it became a frequent subject of popular culture. Imagine then the embarrassment when the esteemed President of France fell off the Express in the middle of a trip, making headlines around the world.

On May 23, 1920, former French President Paul Deschanel was aboard the Orient Express, enjoying the luxury of the famous train. He was already known for his quirkiness, including once repeating a speech word for word to an audience that had given him a standing ovation after he delivered it the first time, and climbing trees in the park while fully dressed in business attire.

On the night in question, railroad worker Andre Radeau was inspecting track around midnight in Montargis, approximately 125 km outside of Paris. Suddenly, the light of his lantern…



Andrew Martin

Dabbler in history, investing & writing. Master’s degree in baseball history. Passionate about history, diversity, culture, sports, film and investing .