Image via Omesh Hirani

The Woman Who Waged A War Against Kissing

One activist once made a serious attempt to get people to stop kissing in the interest of public health

Andrew Martin
3 min readApr 21, 2022


There are just some causes that totally resonate with people. They either validate or perfectly align with their values and become something they will defend to the end. Some of these issues are a little more controversial, including the all-out war on kissing one woman named Imogene Rechtin waged more than 100 years ago.

A common practice in society is kissing, and in 1911, this act of affection was the focus of an all out war. Imogene Rechtin of Cincinnati was the leader of the World’s Health Organization (No affiliation to the current worldwide organization) and determined that smooching was one of the great ignored dangers in the world. Specifically, she believed that germs were easily spread and one of the best vehicles for this was through a kiss, especially as it related to consumption (Tuberculosis).

Rechtin explained why in her opinion kissing needed to be immediately banned:

“The work of the World’s Health Organization is to show the people that the health of the nation demands that we protect ourselves. Do not kiss sick people. In the case of smallpox the disease shows quickly after infection has taken place, but in…



Andrew Martin

Dabbler in history, investing & writing. Master’s degree in baseball history. Passionate about history, diversity, culture, sports, film and investing .