The Longest Thank You Note Ever Is Longer Than The Empire State Building And Has 270,000 Signatures
Ireland’s Morpeth Roll is unique for a number of reasons, including its enormous size
Even in today’s digital age, thank you notes for acts of kindness are still the norm. More may be delivered in informal manners than the past but showing appreciation for somebody has never fallen out of practice. Such missives can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but no thank you note in history is bigger than the massive Morpeth Roll of Ireland from nearly 200 years ago, which is longer than the height of New York’s Empire State Building and contains more than 270,000 signatures of appreciative people.
Public officials can reach great levels of popularity, but none have ever received a gesture of gratitude as enormous as the one given to Lord Viscount Morpeth of Ireland when he lost his seat in British parliament as Chief Secretary of the country in 1841. He had done good work during his time in office, including helping reform Irish tithes. The Morpeth Roll is an epic thank you note that has transcended its unusual size and become one of the most significant documents in Irish history.
Composed of an amazing 270,000 signatures (give or take) and stretching more than 420 meters…