Image via Roman Kraft

Barbara Erni, The Golden Boos- Europe’s Most Audacious 18th Century Thief

The last person ever executed in Lichtenstein was a woman who became wealthy pulling the same con over and over for more than 15 years

Andrew Martin
3 min readNov 24, 2023


Although thievery is generally shunned in society, there are occasionally thiefs who are so audacious and daring that they transcend the typical stench of criminal behavior and become the stuff of lgend. Such was the case with Barbara Erni, an 18th century Austrian woman who became a cultural icon as the Golden Boos, who perpetuated improbable thefts across Europe for years before finally being caught and executed in Lichtenstein.

Erni was born in 1743 in Austria to a homeless couple. Although details about her life are sparse, she came to be decribed as having strawberry blond hair and possessing abonormally great strength. She landed upon illegal schemes to make her living as an adult, and came up with a wildly effective plot that she pulled over and over again to great effect and profit.

She would travel throughout Europe, stopping at inns with her belongings, which included a large chest or backpack. Claiming that it held something of great value, she would ask that it be locked in the best room on the premises with other valuables that were…



Andrew Martin

Dabbler in history, investing & writing. Master’s degree in baseball history. Passionate about history, diversity, culture, sports, film and investing .